The purpose of psychometrics and skills assessments is to support human resource decisions and processes. They measure aspects of behaviour and ability that are not always identified through interview and reference checking.
Most importantly, by defining how a person acts and behaves, their team style and ability, managers are better equipped to, not only hire the right people, but deliver more appropriate direction, training and support.
Psychometric Testing
Psychometric testing is an important part of a comprehensive assessment process. It can be used in pre-employment screening, team development, conflict resolution and performance coaching. Project Human Resources employs experts in the administration and interpretation of psychometric assessments. These professionals understand the needs of business and how best to apply results for successful outcomes.
Project Human Resource’s use a broad range of tools for group assessments, individual face-to-face and online testing. Our testing can assess reasoning and aptitude, personality, team orientation, behaviours, safety, attitudes, values and emotional intelligence.
Skills Assessment
Sometimes personality and potential aren’t enough. For technical and activity based roles such as administration, desk top publishing, estimating, scheduling and programming, to name a few, it takes time to develop a high level of skill. For that reason, skills tests are often used to measure benchmark an individual’s current understanding and proficiency, whether that be for hiring decisions or training and development.

Testing Sessions
Tests are administered in by our staff and associates in most major cities throughout Australia. Alternatively, online tests can be used when it is difficult for individuals to attend a scheduled testing session. We may also arrange testing sessions at our client’s premises if required.
The following are offered exclusively to Project Human Resource’s clients at no extra cost:
- Verbal feedback the same day and a written report within 24 hours.
- Ongoing validity and reliability assessments to ensure the best tests are selected for each role within each business.
- Job profiling to determine job competencies that guide our test selection.
Types of Tests
Our test library currently consists of over 150 titles from a wide range of publishers
Motivation and Personality
- Personality (OPQ, 15FQ+, MBTI, OPP)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Health and Safety
- Integrity
- Values and Motives
- Team Roles
- Selling Styles
Aptitude and Reasoning Abilities
- Verbal Reasoning
- Numerical Reasoning
- Abstract Reasoning
- Mechanical Reasoning
- Spatial Reasoning
- Team Roles
- Critical Reasoning
Skills Testing
- MS Office
- Office Management
- Visual Acuity
- Clerical Checking and Accuracy
- Adobe Acrobat
- Data Entry